Those who have hearts will recognise the familiar deep ache that signifies the alignment between the longing and the longed-for. A heart grown of patient longing for the long-awaited is not a weak heart. It is the heart made stronger than the divide between the two. That strength not only generates an unbreakable bond linking the beginning of the longing and the end of its trajectory, it provides both sides with the power to align at any point with one another – regardless of space or time – and find their way home to belonging.
A heart that longs is naturally a pained heart. It is apt to be so. A self denied is a tortured soul indeed and I suspect that this, for many who soon realise they have rejected their own essence, will in due course become patently clear. Perhaps that is why most people will do anything to distract themselves from the actuality that an age-old longing pre-exists every one of us, and is inherent in each of ourselves. That longing in itself alone is the reason we are actually here and it would be wise for you to try and remember at least that.
The Heart’s Longing is an inspiration, its manifestation a miracle. Implicit trust, the application of absolute faith in the pure heart’s true vision and the willingess to serve its subsequent longing is what finds you the necessary capacity to match the laws of attraction resonating from the beginning of the longed-for’s trajectory.
The Heart’s Longing – Blog No. 1